- 60PacifistFinish a normal level without using abilities, weapons or melee.
- 60RunnerFinish a normal level in under 20 seconds.
- 100SneakyFinish a normal level without being seen.
A girl's got to make a living.
- 60GritPlay 20 levels without dying.
- 50SpiderbotDefeat the spiderbot.
- 50CentipedeDefeat the centipede.
- 50HovertankDefeat the hovertank.
- 50Hard WorkKill 1000 enemies.
- 100ExplosiveKill 8 enemies with a single explosion.
- 60You've just been erasedKill 3 enemies with a single railgun bullet.
- 60OverseerStop the Overseer 1.0.
The Overseer
The world is a mess, and I just need to rule it.
- 100You're specialComplete all special levels.
- 100Stat MasterUpgrade a stat to level 100.
- 100UnlockerUnlock all unlockables.
The quintessential 21st century working woman, chromed, deadly.
10tons Ltd.
Neon Chrome PC
14 / 1 000
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