- 10Enter GameEnter the game
- 100Triumph in RomeDefeat the champion of Rome
- 100Super StarsCollect a total of 90 stars
- 10First BloodKill your first enemy
- 100DecapitationDecapitate 20 enemy gladiators
- 50Double KillKill 2 enemies with 1 hit
- 50Triple KillKill 3 enemies with 1 hit
- 50BackstabberKill an enemy from the back
- 100Greek ChampionDefeat the greek champion
- 100Glory in CarthageDefeat the champion of Carthage
- 50Maximum LevelReach the maximum level on your gladiator
- 20Favor of the GodsLevel up an amulet to max level
- 40SwordsmanPurchase all weapons
- 40ShieldmanPurchase all shields
- 40ArmormanPurchase all armor
- 50Death PitKill someone by kicking them in a pit
- 20Beast SlayerSlay 25 beasts
- 70LionComplete the game in lion mode
DLCTitle Update
- 25Tournament 5Reach wave 5 in the tournament
- 25Tournament 10Reach wave 10 in the tournament
- 50MurmilloWin the tournament with Murmillo
- 50RetiariusWin the tournament with Retiarius
- 50BestiariusWin the tournament with Bestiarius
Brain Seal Ltd
Story of a Gladiator
23 / 1 200
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