- 200Mirror MasterComplete the mirror mode
- 200Yogawesome!Achieve a Yogawesome level rating in each level (no mirror)
- 150Banana Bounty HunterFind all secret magic bananas
- 150Don't lose your head (again...) Succès SecretTake your rightful place
- 50To infinity and beyond!Get as far up as you can in #5, #6 or #8
- 50Catch me if you can Succès SecretFlee from the chi for 30 seconds
- 50Open Sesame! Succès SecretFound the steakship power up
- 50With a little help from my friends Succès SecretAwww, you shouldn't have!
- 50Caution hot! Succès SecretThis juicy steak is hot!
- 50Let's go bananas! Succès SecretStart a level using you banana powers!
Grandé Games
Commander Cherry’s Puzzled Journey
10 / 1 000
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